Abyssinian Real Estate, ኤጀንሲዎች

Abyssinian Real EstateAbyssinian Real Estate is a Sisterly website of Advertisement PLC. It deals mainly with advertising properties for sale, rent or lease. It also deals with commercial properties and land sales. The website covers Ethiopia as a whole

ሁሉም የተመዘገቡ ንብረቶች ኤጀንሲዎች "Abyssinian Real Estate" (1)

ለሽያጭ የቀረበ
Abyssinian Real Estate

አድራሻ ኢትዩጲያ, አዲስ አበባ
ዋጋውን ከባለቤቱ ጋር መደራደር ይችላሉ
  • የመኝታ ክፍሎች ብዛት 2
  • ካሬ 83.9 m2
Two Bedrooms183.90 m²184.57 m²164.95 m²170.58 m²187.89 m²Semi FinishedA map that has been...